Initial Adjustment + Consultation - $100
For your first visit to Elite Chiropractic, Dr Jay will have a consultation with you to discuss the problems you may be experiencing. This appointment typically takes 20-30 minutes.
Child Adjustment - $55
Dr Jay takes a softer approach when adjusting children. This appointment takes about 15 minutes.
Standard Adjustment - $68
A standard adjustment is recommended either fortnightly or monthly to keep everything in alignment. This appointment takes 15 minutes.
Veteran Affairs + Medicare Adjustment
This is the same as a standard adjustment, though if you have a DVA card + GP referral, your session will be covered. If you have a Medicare EPC referral, the government covers a portion and you'll pay a gap of $15.
Long Adjustment - $93
If you have multiple alignment concerns or examination of X-rays, please book a long adjustment for 30 minutes.